Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Book of Flight::

This is my latest painting:: Book of Flight

I painted it to go with Book of Birds and am doing another one also. I like the idea of working that way a bit more; sort of like a string of thoughts or a progression through something, the effect of things or a process of discovery. The owls symbolise wisdom, and they are from a book. One owl is beautifully free and open and the other unsure. The ribbons are from the owls captivity and symbolise this restraint. The ribbons have become beautiful and part of the owl, as they have on her. I love ribbons, it's like they tell us what cannot be seen; the slightest movement in the wind, the muscle in the sky, the gravity of a person that the ribbon can push from like magnets positive/positive or even that plummet like a kite, when gravity takes over. I like the emptiness in this picture. It can be a fearful thing an open expansive space as it offers no reassurance to what is occurring, to what could be.