Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Here is a little painting I have just finished. I think of each painting as being like a short story, a song. Sometimes they are complete and sometimes they hint at things without resolution. I love Joni Mithchell's album 'Blue'. I don't find it to be a sad album and disagree with that positive/negative thing that reduces emotions complexity to something utilitarian. I would like to pursue this more. This painting lives in those not so happy moments we all have, and have to have, to be real. I don't have to hide from life, and choose not to, in my paintings. I love the real conversations I get to have with the people I meet and through the little paintings I paint. It is the size of a book::

Like reading a poem she has just arrived. Looking around her she she finds part of herself is missing; a loved childhood pet, a part of herself from long ago. She mourns this loss and all the changes around her, and in her, and begins the slow process of contemplation and change.